Arseniy Zhgilev

Reverse Engineering Specialist, BI.ZONE

About speaker

In the HARDWARE.ZONE I’m going to talk about and showcase how by just using some very common items like FPGA and Python you can enact a power glitch attack on an ARM MCU. Our test subject will be our good old LPC-P1343, based an ARM Cortex-M3 processor.
November 15
18:00 — 19:00
In the HARDWARE.ZONE I’m going to talk about and showcase how by just using some very common items like FPGA and Python you can enact a glitch attack on an MK running a ARM core through its power supply. Our test subject will be our good old LPC-P1343-MK, running an ARM Cortex-M3 processor. Our aim will be to (not finished I’ll get back to it).